I want to clarify that my blog does not endorse any policy decisions that neglect empirical evidence, orientation, and the spectrum of gender identity. There seems to be a misunderstanding about the essence and conclusions of my writing.
I have clearly stated "Furthermore, possessing an XY chromosome does not automatically equate to a strictly male-oriented biology. The intricacies of biological orientation extend beyond mere phenotype, SRY gene presence, or karyotype. These elements are just components of a much broader and nuanced biological spectrum."
Also my concluding remarks were "We must also navigate the ethical landscape, balancing inclusion and fairness, especially regarding hormone therapy and transgender athletes’ participation in sports. Ensuring that our policies are equitable and respectful is crucial."
I am genuinely honored that you took the time to delve into my background and writings. It demonstrates your commitment and depth in advocating for the rights of the Trans community, a dedication I deeply respect.
Please be assured, my intention with the blog has been to foster balance and truth, supporting both Trans and Cisgender women, and to guide policymakers towards making judicious and ethical decisions that harmonize the interests of all elite athletes.
I firmly believe that any discourse that obscures or suppresses the truth, especially under the guise of false social constructs, ultimately does a disservice to the Trans community. Authentic, transparent discussion is key to progress and understanding.